My Specialties

  • Postpartum Planning & Education

    Don’t get prepared for your birth & then just expect to wing it postpartum.

    Most new parents who do little to no preparation for the postpartum period end up feeling blindsided. Caring for your baby is always a given, but it is pertinent for you to have the tools already in place so that your needs will be addressed.

    Developing a plan of action for the early weeks will set you and your partner up for success. This way you will get the support you deserve geared towards your specific situation (with or without a doula present) so that you can rest/ recover easier, and soak up all those newborn snuggles.

    Book a 1 on 1 Postpartum planning call with me so that you are prepared for life after birth.

  • Providing Professional Resources

    Having a new baby at home they will have needs around the clock, and you will have signs that you will need to watch out for post delivery.

    The last thing you will want to do is google Professionals at 2 am.

    When you hire me as your Doula I will do the research in your area to provide you with referrals related to your baby and Postpartum care.

    It will give you peace of mind knowing you have someone advocating for you and your little one to get the best care. This will also lighten the mental load so that you can be more present with your newborn and focus on your healing.

  • Parental & Newborn Care

    Bringing home a brand new baby is a life altering experience for both the new Parents and baby. Even if you have previous children there will still be adjustments for everyone in the home.

    You don’t have to do this alone.

    I will provide you with emotional and physical support to help you ease into this new role as a parent. This includes daily check-ins, a safe place to process your birth (or your partners), to make sure you are well nourished, helping with light house work, and offer you time to take a much needed nap while I tend to baby.

    As well as ensuring you are confident in the following areas: feeding, bathing, dressing, baby wearing, soothing, swaddling, your babies cues, and so much more.

  • Protecting Your Postpartum Sanctuary

    Postpartum is the most vulnerable stage you will have in your life, certain things that wouldn’t normally bother you might set you over the edge.

    It is crucial to establish boundaries before your baby arrives. Meaning you can choose who you want to visit, when and how long they can stay, and what they can do to support you.

    Outside of just coming over to hold your baby.

    As your Doula I will help you set and implement these boundaries. Some friends/ family members may not understand, and that’s okay.

    You deserve to feel at peace with the people you invite into your space, because it’s a privilege not a right to be in your families presence at this time.